Debut of the film, Hidden Abilities

The collaborative documentary Hidden Abilities debuted on Saturday, September 29, 2018.
Logali House in Juba, South Sudan, hosted a full house, with Hidden Ability Melody members in attendance along with diverse guests including family members, filmmakers and journalists. and humanitarian and development professionals. Mawut Alier from Hidden Ability Melody served as the MC and we had an informative discussion after the film.
John O’Brien, Country Rep. at Catholic Relief Services tweeted about the event, “Just back from a screening by @likikiri and #hiddenability about people with visual impairment in #SouthSudan. Compelling myth buster on people with disabilities, excellent representation of women in #SouthSudan and evidence of the collective gains when we #LeaveNoOneBehind.”
An inspiring evening all around! Thank you to all who attended. We look forward to continuing the conversation so stay tuned! Likikiri Collective and Hidden Ability Melody are preparing several projects and we look forward to sharing them with you in coming days.