Community Oral History and Memory Program: Likikiri is pleased to announce our new Community Oral History and Memory Program. Working with educational institutions, government institutions, religious associations, civil society and community-based organizations, and students at all levels, we will mobilize a movement to recover, reflect on, record and then share memories and histories of the South Sudanese past. Coming soon.
Theatre Season: Planting Possibilities is an annual theatre lab and festival combining continuing education for South Sudanese arts practitioners, public entertainment and civic engagement. Drawing inspiration from seasonal cycle in South Sudan, Theatre Season is structured around three stages: Tilling the Soil; Planting the Seed; Harvesting. Read More.
Intercultural Dialogue is an experiential education and peacebuilding program offered as a series of flexible modules tailored to different groups. Drawing on creative pedagogies and participatory methodologies, our Intercultural Dialogue program creates a safe and exploratory atmosphere for interpersonal and communal exchanges and cultural co-production. Our April 2017 Intercultural Dialogue workshop was sponsored by UNESCO. Read More.
Coming soon: Programs in Creative Writing, Digital Storytelling and Video-making.
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Consultations & Collaborations
Likikiri’s Elfatih Atem is a drama consultant for the scripting and production of Amalna’s forthcoming radio series.
British Council, Access to Justice Project.
Likikiri is currently collaborating with the British Council on their Access to Justice project. We are bringing our expertise in theatre and creative methodologies to bear on a long-term project to facilitate dialogue around issues of justice and customary law in South Sudan. Specifically, we are using Playback Theatre as a tool for public awareness.
Samaritan’s Purse.
Likikiri Collective is a consultant on Samaritan’s Purse 2018 drama program across South Sudan.
South Sudan Theatre Organization (SSTO), Citizen Theatre and Peaceful Co-existence.
Likikiri was invited to contribute to SSTO’s one-week training with youth drama groups in Bor. The training, titled Citizen Theatre and Peaceful Co-existence, is part of a broader project using theatre to address issues of conflict among youth in South Sudan.
Rift Valley Institute, South Sudan Customary Authorities (SSCA) Project.
Likikiri’s Rebecca Lorins developed and led the oral history training for Rift Valley Institute’s SSCA’s Oral History Research Course.
VNG, Participatory Video for WASH project.
Likikiri’s Elfatih Atem co-led the the participatory video component for VNG’s inquiry-based WASH program in Eastern Equatoria. Equipped with the basics in video-making (storytelling, shooting, and editing), local government officials in Torit, Imehejek, and Lafon took the lead in exploring the challenges and generate solutions to the problems of WASH in their local areas.